Plan Your Visit


Pastors Eddie & Maria Medel, and all the great friends and families at The Miracle Center Church, would love to have you as our guest on Sunday morning or on Wednesday evening. Whether you’ve been around church your whole life or you are considering attending one for the first time, let this be your connection to meeting other real people who are going through life just like you – discovering and enjoying a life in Gods kingdom with purpose, genuine friendships and spiritual fulfillment! 

Whether you are young, old, single or married with children, we would love to help you get connected!


The Miracle Center is currently abiding by city and state Covid 19 guidelines.  We highly encourage everyone who attends our services, events or gatherings to make sure that you and your family have not had any symptoms in the past two weeks. For those who are higher risk, we do have masks and hand sanitizer available at the main lobby desk. For those who are not ready to join us in person, we also have our live on-line services available on our facebook page.  If you have any questions or need more information, please email us at

As you enter our lobby, you will be welcomed by our friendly greeters who will direct you to our lobby desk where you can get information about our children’s church, nursery, or answer any questions you may have.  The greeters will then escort you into the main sanctuary and point out available seating from which you can choose from.

Our worship style is a mixture of English and Spanish contemporary. Our songs are meaningful. Our music is upbeat. Our lyrics are always displayed on our giant screen.The first half of our service is a combination of singing, praying for people with needs, the offering, and announcements. And as our guest, you are not obligated to give offering.

Our messages are based on God’s words as written in the Holy Bible. They are sometimes challenging, and always relevant. 

What About My Kids?

At the Miracle Center, we believe that developing a relationship with God starts as an infant. One of our biggest priorities is to provide quality opportunities for infants all the way through high school, where the gospel is taught, and God’s love is shown. We want parents to take comfort in knowing their kids are being well instructed and taken care of, so they have the opportunity to pursue their spiritual growth within the kingdom of God.


Here at the Miracle Center we believe that if you’ve decided to follow Jesus, taking the step of baptism is one of the most important steps of faith you can take to show the world you’re following Him.

Water Baptism is an outward expression of your decision to follow Jesus. Once we accept Jesus and the free gift of forgiveness that only He offers, we’re invited to respond in baptism by going under water (representing the old “you” being buried) and rising up (representing the new “you” being raised to new life with Jesus Christ). Baptism signifies the former way of life has been put to death and clearly depicts the release from the bondage of Satan, sin, and death (Romans 6:4-6).

1) To follow the example of Christ (Matthew 3:16)
2) To obey the commands of Christ (Matthew 28:18-20)
3) To give witness that you are a disciple of Christ (Acts 2:37-41; Acts 22:16)

Anyone who has repented and put their faith in Jesus (Acts 2:41; Acts 8:12)

As soon as a person reaches the age of accountability and trusts Christ (Acts 22:16)! Not before but not delaying either.

Reading through Acts, we find that baptism is explicitly related to repentance, receiving the Word, believing, and receiving the Holy Spirit. There is no explicit evidence to suggest that nonbelievers were baptized.

The Scriptures give us no reasons to wait or delay baptism either out of fear or a sense that we are not good enough. There will never be a time where anyone would be “good enough” for baptism. Our right to enter the baptismal waters is grounded in what Christ has done for us and not what we have earned.

Willingness: To be baptized, someone needs to be willing to say, “I’m willing. I have faith for this. I want to identify with Jesus, His death, burial, and resurrection. I want to follow Him. I want to serve Him with my life.”

Water: Any body of water, in which you can be fully submerged, will work: a bathtub, a hot tub, a pool, a river, a lake, an ocean, a baptismal tank—you name it! It’s not special holy water, special motions, or special prayers, but baptism becomes a holy thing because of our faith.

A Witness: A witness can be someone who can support you along your personal journey of faith. Invite friends and family to be present (whether in-person or via technology) to watch and be able to say, “Hey, I was there when you were water baptized!”